1996 - Michael records a video message for friend Mandy Porter, a fan he met during his "Bad World Tour" who has retinitis pigmentosa, a degenerative eye disease, to commend her dance routine with her friends.

March 1996 - Michael shoots the “Prison” version of the 'They Don’t Care About Us' video directed by Spike Lee in New York.

February 10-12, 1996 - Michael goes to Rio to shoot a second version of the "They Don’t Care About Us" video directed by Spike Lee. He takes the Cascio kids with him.

February 16, 1996 -Michael arrives in London, England at Heathrow Airport for the upcoming 1996 "Brit Awards".

April 28, 1996 - Michael attends a performance of musical "Sisterella" in Pasadena, California, in which he is credited as executive producer.

May 12, 1996 - Michael visits Evolutions Recording Studio in London to touch up his World Music Awards performance with the show's producer Gary Pudney.

Early July 1996 - Michael films for his "Stranger in Moscow" music video / short film. During a break, he shoots the "Why" single cover with his nephews, the R&B/Pop music group 3T.

Early July 1996 - Michael films with 3T, a musical group which consisted of Michael's nephews, for their "Why" music video.
July 1996 - Michael records "On the Line".
July 1996 - Michael interviews for MBC, an Arabic channel. The interview took place in the middle-east in July 1996. Most questions were posed to him in Arabic, Michael's answers are English, with Arabic subtitles shown on screen, and his answers are transcribed here word-for-word.

July 5, 1996 - Michael discusses book plans with Adrian Grant on the set of "Stranger in Moscow", as well as the Brit Awards performance and Michael's achievements.

July 18, 1996 - Michael arrives in Johannesburg, where he attends a private birthday for President Nelson Mandela.

July 19, 1996 - Michael gives a press conference at Sun City in North West Province of South Africa to announce concert plans in the UK.

July 20, 1996 - Michael visits South African President Nelson Mandela in Pretoria, South Africa.

~Late July 1996 - Michael interviews with MBC (Middle East Broadcasting Center), answering some questions from children, discussing countries that musically influenced him, racism, family wishes, his audiences, collaborating, his recent stay at Sun City, and his "Heal the World Foundation".

August 1996 - Michael resumes the (final production) 'History Tour' rehearsals in San Bernardino, California.

September 3, 1996 - Michael arrives in Prague to do some sightseeing before the launch of his "HIStory World Tour".

September 13, 1996 - Michael visits a state orphanage in Bucharest, Romania prior to his concert before 70,000 in that city. After handing out toys, Michael said, "I wish all the world was here to see this, instead of sending our brothers to the killing fields. This is our future -- children. I love you all so much."

September 14, 1996 - Michael performs in Bucharest, Romania, at Lia Manoliu Stadium for his HIStory World Tour, and talks with actor David Winters from "West Side Story" about a film offer after the show.

Fall 1996 - Michael calls singer Prince for a planned collaboration.

October 7, 1996 - Michael performs in Tunisia, Tunis, at the Stade El Menzah (aka El Menzah Stadium) for his "HIStory World Tour"; he later receives a call from Australian promoter Paul Dainty over the overwhelming response for his upcoming Australian shows.

October 11/13, 1996 - Michael performs in Seoul, South Korea at the Olympic Stadium for his "HIStory World Tour".

October 27/29, 1996 - Michael performs in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at the Stadium Merdeka for his "HIStory World Tour".

November 1, 1996 - Michael performs in Mumbai, India, at the Andheri Sports Complex for his "HIStory World Tour".

November 4, 1996 - Michael releases a statement on media speculation of his relationship with Debbie Rowe and the conception of their child.

November 5, 1996 - Michael performs in Bangkok, Thailand, at the IMPACT Grounds for his "HIStory World Tour".

~November 6-8, 1996 - Michael interviews with VH1 answering selected questions by viewers.

November 9/11, 1996 - Michael performs in Auckland, New Zealand at the Ericsson Stadium for his "HIStory World Tour".

November 12, 1996 - Michael arrives in Sydney, Australia;

November 13, 1996 - Michael stays in his Shertaon on the Park hotel room, watching a selection of videos, including action adventure and Australian titles; he learns of the 6-year-old burn victim Tjandamurra O'Shane, and plans to meet him the next day. In the evening, Debbie Rowe checks in the hotel.

November 14, 1996 - Michael performs in Sydney, Australia, his first stop on the Australian leg, at Sydney Cricket Ground for the "HIStory World Tour". In lieu of a visit, due to his parent's wishes to avoid the media circus, Michael sends 6-year-old burn victim Tjandamurra O'Shane a personalized card, an autographed copy of his HIStory CD, posters, flowers, and other gifts. Michael sends flowers to backup singer Marva Hicks' sick mother when Marva has to leave on a flight to see her.

November 15, 1996 - Michael marries Debbie Rowe in a private ceremony shortly after midnight in the presidential suite of the Sheraton-on-the-Park Hotel and releases a public statement; they later attend the Australian premiere of 'Ghosts'. (Ghosts Premiere - Around 1:37:00 - http://media.blubrry.com/themjcast/p/www.themjcast.com/episodes/025.mp3)

November 16, 1996 - Michael performs in Sydney, Australia at Sydney Cricket Ground for his "HIStory World Tour". BONUS: "Michael Jackson: HIStory Down Under" airs on TV, which includes Michael’s arrival in Australia, HISTORY Tour clips, Australian Ghosts premiere, fans reaction, Michael backstage at SCG and a look back at Molly Meldrum’s interview with Michael in 1987.
November 19, 1996 - Michael visits Mater Children's Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, to meet patients and families and sign autographs, interviews with Molly Meldrum, and, just minutes later, performs at ANZ Stadium for his HIStory World Tour.