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Detroit, Michigan (Destiny World Tour)
Date range of “Black Stars” magazine interview assessed by the fact that “only an hour ago, [Michael] commanded the energies and total devotion of twenty thousand fans at Detroit's Cobo Hall.”
"Black Stars" magazine (April 1980) (archived)
During a recent visit to The Jackson family estate in Encino, California, it is clearly evident that the values which support Michael and his siblings, emanate from their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jackson have always inspired their children to work hard and to do their best in every area.
The Jackson saga is the ultimate American fantasy come true. Michael, like his multi-talented brothers and sisters, was born in Gary, Indiana, where his protective father, Joe, created musical activities for the family. Mr. Jackson has said in the past, “There wasn’t much for the kids to do in Gary--except to go to school and come back home. I had them to play musical instruments and sing so that they would be able to better their condition.”
Now on the threshold of manhood, Michael remembers those early years of diligent hard work with fondness. “Whenever there was a talent contest in Gary, we would all try out for it. At a very early age, I learned that trying was very important--but winning was too.
“We didn’t always win in the beginning--but after a time, we started to pick up trophies. That was really an accomplishment because the competition was very real. Nearly everyone we knew was trying to get started in show business.”
As a dutiful son, Michael continues to live happily at home where he is close to his parents.
“I was very lucky to have the guidance and support that I’ve always received from my parents. They were never too busy to give me and my brothers and sisters the attention that we needed. They instilled values in all of us that we will always have.”
As lead singer and teen turned adult recipient of idolatry from around the world--Michael has understandably matured to a great extent. However, in certain ways he remains both shy and well-mannered. Something that is rarely found in the music business. "It has a lot to do with my upbringing. I never felt that I could behave just any old way--besides, I really wouldn't want to do that. I take a certain pride in who I am. If people look up to me, then I am very flattered, and I would never want to do anything that would be disappointing."
Michael Joseph Jackson is presently the most sought after property in the entertainment industry. With sales of over nine million copies on Michael's smash "Off the Wall" album sold, a record breaking eight-million-dollar concert with The Jacksons behind him, with young ladies from all walks of life screaming at the mere sight of him and rave reviews for his screen debut in "The Wiz". Michael is entering the new decade at a level of success unparalleled by any other artist.
During a rare moment of almost painful honesty, a somewhat uneasy Michael spoke to "Black Stars" about his anxieties, family life, show business, his female fans, and the world in general. It is quite true that the handsome young singer's world is somewhat of a glass menagerie. However, it is not a world he has chosen for himself, but a world imposed upon him by his public. "It's really weird how fans react to me when I'm out at the movies or at a restaurant. I'm just me, an entertainer, yes, but I sometimes feel as though I were some sort of caged animal", Michael confesses.
Who could believe that this exhausted one hundred pound guy had, only an hour ago, commanded the energies and total devotion of twenty thousand fans at Detroit's Cobo Hall. As Michael talked about The Jacksons' performance and the reaction of scores of crazed young ladies, he sipped a large cup of piping, hot tea. "You know one thing, I really get quite a thrill performing on stage. It would be difficult for me to explain how I feel when I'm out there on the stage singing and dancing. But it's something that's good and believe me, even when I've felt my worst with a cold or something, the minute I hit that first note, I feel great being on stage."
One would be quick to assume that the dynamic singer is a person who enjoys the fast paced life of Hollywood. But, to the contrary, Michael's lifestyle, away from concert halls, is very different. While many of his peers party into the wee hours of the morning, use the latest drug to escape reality, and surround themselves with enormous entourages, this member of The Jacksons leads a rather quietly shy and introverted life. "I'm not one to party at all. If I do, I prefer dinner parties. Usually, I stay at home and work with my video equipment. In terms of enjoyment, I spend lots of time writing tunes for future projects. The so-called fast life, with fast people, and fast things, is definitely *not* my style."
The word "superstar" is often frivolously utilized, when speaking of Michael Jackson. However, the word simply understates this artist's tremendous appeal. There were many who felt that Michael and his brothers lacked the creative ability to compose and produce their own music. It was not until the "Destiny" album in 1979 that The Jacksons were recognized as premiere writers and producers. "Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)", produced and composed by Michael, along with the youngest Jackson member, Randy, resulted in the album selling more than a million and a half copies.
While commenting on his creative success, a sudden beam of pleasure is expressed on Michael's face when he says, "I'm really proud to say that my brothers and I feel good knowing that we proved to ourselves and to others who doubted us that we could come up with a smash hit like the 'Destiny' album."
Michael Jackson's "Off the Wall” LP is one of the biggest stories in the record industry. Produced by the multi-talented Quincy Jones, the album has already topped the national record charts with the self-penned, "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" and "Rock with You" by former Heatwave member, Rod Temperton. "Man, Quincy Jones is just fabulous. I enjoyed working with him so much on 'The Wiz' LP that I just knew I had to get him to produce my solo album. Quincy is a real genius at putting things and people together for that right sound. 'Off the Wall' has something for everyone. Loving, dancing, and partying. I'm really grateful for the success of the album", Michael says as he glances at the latest national record charts.
Michael takes great pride in the fact that the group is second only to the legendary Beatles in worldwide record sales. Elaborating on the subject, Michael says, "I guess some people don't feel The Jacksons, a black group, can sell over 90 million records in a ten-year career. They forgot that good music is colorless."
What about marriage? It is a logical question when dealing with a handsome, rich, and intelligent bachelor. "I'm certain that I will get married and settle down to raise a family--I'm just not ready yet. I do meet young ladies that I respect and enjoy being with--but marriage is an important step and I want it to last forever. A family is something that I want more than anything in the world."
Although Michael is open-minded and tolerant of other people's views, he does have certain hard rules and lines about personal behavior. Nowhere are these strict sets of discipline more applied than when it comes to drug usage of any kind. He knows that it is a widespread problem and he is very much against it.
"I don't understand why so many people today use drugs. They are so dangerous and destructive. I never have and I never would do anything that is so foolish and harmful. The high in my life comes from my family, my music, and my friends."
The world of Michael Jackson sparkles with glitter and glamor, but beneath the glossy veneer, lies a shy and extremely self-conscious talented individual.
His dazzling world has propelled him onto platinum heights, but it has also protected him and kept him sane in a business that often creates and destroys superstars.
Another recurrent rumor is that Michael will depart The Jacksons to pursue his solo career on an exclusive basis. This is something that he denies freely. "There is no reason for me to even consider such a move. I'm doing everything that I want to do and being part of the group is something that is very precious to me. I wouldn't want to change it. I have the chance to record and perform by myself and I love those projects. Like doing "The Wiz", for example, it was worked around the schedule of the family projects. But leave the group? No way!"
That will put a lot of minds at ease. But it's over. Michael has to get to the recording studio to lay some tracks down for an upcoming album which has yet to be titled. As he bids you goodbye and backs his gorgeous Rolls-Royce out of the family driveway, you are struck by the fact that you have spent an afternoon with a bona fide show business legend. More importantly than that, Michael Jackson is a brilliant and talented young man. A super talent and a superstar.
In the Kitchen with Michael
“Calories do count. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise", says Michael Jackson, superstar extraordinaire.
Although Michael is one of Hollywood's hottest superstars, he hasn't let his amazing success go to his head--or to his slender physique.
"I like to get into the kitchen and put something together. My family is always so busy that sometimes it's very hard for us to eat together at the same time--that's how I first became interested in preparing meals on my own."
Usually, lunch for Michael and a few friends will consist of a fruit salad and cottage cheese. "That may not sound exciting--but at least it isn't fattening."
However, when Mr. Jackson wants to share some of his special culinary skills--then he becomes creative. "I enjoy the taste of chicken. It has a delicate flavor that appeals to me. My idea of a great lunch is something that I call Chicken Wrap-Ups. I add a salad of some type to the menu and that takes care of me until dinner time." As Michael warned initially, however, calories do count--you won't find him eating like this frequently--but on special occasions, here is a very special lunch. "Enjoy Yourself."
Avocado Vinaigrette
Chicken Wrap-Ups
Chilled Carrot Juice
Chicken Wrap-Ups
2 tablespoons cooking oil
2 whole chicken breasts, skinned, boned, and cut into 1/4-inch pieces
1 package (10 oz.) frozen french style green beans, thawed.
1 jar (4 1/2 oz.) sliced mushrooms, darined
2 envelopes Lipton Cream of Chicken Flavor Cup-a-Soup
1 cup waters
3 tablespoons soy sauce
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1 package (8 oz.) refrigerated crescent rolls
In a heavy skillet, heat oil and cook chicken until it is opaque; add thawed green beans, mushrooms, instant Cream of Chicken Flavor Soup, water, soy sauce, and ginger. Simmer, stirring occasionally until liquid is reduced by half; cool slightly.
Next, separate crescent rolls into 4 rectangles; seal perforations. Spoon 1/4 of the chicken mixture onto the center of each rectangle. Gently pull dough from each side toward center to totally cover mixture. Bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 15 minutes or until golden brown. Serve immediately while hot. For those readers that want a sauce to accompany their "Wrap-Up"--merely prepare a can of cream of mushroom soup according to directions and spoon the hot and creamy mushroom sauce over the baked dough.
Avocado Vinaigrette
2 ripe avocados
Several black olives (pitted)
One bottle of vinaigrette salad dressing
Remove the peel from the avocado. Slice the fruit into vertical wedges, starting from the top and ending at the bottom. Lay the wedges facing in one direction on a small flat plate. Garnish with two or more black olives. Pur vinaigrette dressing over it, and serve immediately.
Chilled carrot juice is what Michael adds as a finishing touch in this gourmet lunch. It dazzles the guests of "Mr. J."--can your friends be any less impressed?