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"Save Me" Duet

Date range assessed by the fact that Mason said the song was recorded “at Westlake”, and the Westlake Studio recording sessions for “Off the Wall” (as opposed to the December 1978 - January 1979 Allen Zentz Recording sessions) didn’t start until Late March when Michael came home from the Destiny Tour, and ended in Mid-April since at that time “Michael was back on the road with his brothers to resume the Destiny Tour. His work in the studio was now complete and all of his vocals had been recorded.” (Mike Smallcombe, “Making Michael”)


Dave Mason, “The Journal News” (January 6, 2015) (archived)

"Michael was recording 'Off the Wall' in the other room at the studio. I needed someone to sing a high harmony on 'Save Me,' so when Michael was on a break I asked him if he would sing on the track. To which he responded, 'When I was twelve years old, I was doing a TV special with Diana Ross. At the end of the show Diana and I sang 'Feelin' Alright,' so yes, I'd love to sing on your song.' He came to the studio and sang the heck out of it."

“Best Classic Bands” (January 6, 2016) (archived)

I was cutting Old Crest, the last album I made for Columbia, at Westlake in L.A. Michael was in the other room (Studio A) doing [Off the Wall]. I needed somebody to sing a high part on a song I was recording called “Save Me.” Somebody told me they were on a break, so I just walked over there to the doorway of the control room and I explained what I was doing. He looked at me for a minute and he said, ‘I was 12 years old and I did this Diana Ross session, and the last thing she and I did together was a song called “Feelin’ Alright,” so yeah, absolutely, I’ll come over and sing with you.

Chris Cadman’s “Michael Jackson the Maestro”

I was in one studio and he (Michael) was across the hall. I had that song (Save Me), and thought it would be cool if someone could sing that really high part, so I thought I’d just go over there and ask him. I thought he’d just do this harmony part and he ended up doing this whole great thing and putting his own spin on it.