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"Star Trak" Radio Show Interview
Air date confirmed on record’s label (archived) (“Week of Jan. 29, 1979”)
MJJCollectors item listing (archived)
Features three MJ interview segments, and a fourth with the Jacksons talking about Michael. Interviews conducted by Candy Tusken of Westwood One's Star Trak.
1) In the first segment, Michael talks about the Jacksons’ multicolored “peacock” logo: “It’s about our whole goal with music to bring all races together through love and harmony…through listening to music” and how concerts are a way of bringing all races together.
2) Michael talks about what it was like to perform for the Queen of England: “It was a lot of fun, a lot of royalty...” He talks about the Queen walking on the red carpet, “her dress is covered in jewels and rubies, nothing is fake…it was incredible!”
3) The Jacksons (Jackie and Marlon) talk about how Michael as a 10 year old missed out on a lot of his childhood because he was “constantly on the stage all the time” and how Michael used to like to draw during his time offstage. Marlon talks about show business being “fun” and not work at all.
4) Following his role as the Scarecrow in the Wiz, MJ talks about the differences between singing and acting: “When you think about it, they all tie in a lot the same. The way you feel a song, you have to feel the acting, the same thing. When you perform a character on the screen, even after you make the movie, you still feel like you are that person…that character. I still felt like the Scarecrow, even when I came home and the movie was all finished. Sometimes I find myself falling like him and doing his moves and stuff. Really, because I did it so much.” Michael compares this to Redd Foxx, how he would still limp like Sanford (from “Sanford & Son”) at awards shows, even though he didn’t limp in real life.