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"Ebony Jr." Magazine Interview
Ebony Jr. (August 1979)
EBONY JR!: Michael, is there anything in particular that you liked or disliked about school?
MICHAEL: I used to hate reading, but I love it now, really. I just wish I would read more and could find the best books to read. But the more books I read, the more I discover, that's what I love about it. I also like art and English.
EBONY JR!: Do you do artwork in your spare time?
MICHAEL: Yes, I draw and do a little painting. If I wasn't so busy traveling, I would definitely be taking a class.
...EBONY JR!: Michael, does having a big family bother you?
MICHAEL: No. I love it! A lot of people are lonely, 'cause they're an only child. I'm thankful to have a big family and to be given a gift; I mean, these are gifts, to have brothers, so I'm thankful, honestly. We have a good time.
...EBONY JR!: What about the future? Are there any plans you'd like to mention?
MICHAEL & TITO: We just want to continue to write, arrange and produce music. We'd like to try putting together film musicals, which take quite a bit of studying. We want to do a lot more song writing, and about two or three TV specials a year.
...EBONY JR!: What have been some of your favorite experiences over the past ten years?
MICHAEL: Over the past ten years, I can pick out certain things: the performance for the Queen of England, achieving what we have done through the years through our music, bringing happiness, love and influence to a lot of people. Just doing that, I feel like a lifetime of my efforts have been rewarded. Also, producing and writing our own complete album for the first time is something we've always wanted to do and I'm thankful to have been given the chance to do it, and I'm thankful so many people liked it.